Guias Lineares com Cremalheira Integrada

With its BZ MONORAIL, SCHNEEBERGER offers linear guide systems that extend the characteristic properties of the company’s BM MONORAIL profile rail guides to include the advantages of an integral and high-precision rack drive.
Customers gain the following decisive benefits:
- One-piece system up to 6000 mm long
- High-quality gear rack (hardened and ground)
- Cost savings of up to 25% due to reduced outlay on manufacturing and assembly
- Superlative operating properties, high load carrying capacity and a long service life based on our proven MONORAIL linear guides
- Oriented towards customer requirements due to the large number of carriage types available with BM ball guides and a comprehensive range of accessories and customised gear types and grades.
- Overview of types, sizes and available options BZ Rails
Product overview
Available options for BZ Rails Rails
Details see chapter 2
Overview of types, sizes and available options BZ Rails Carriages
Product overview
Available options for BZ Rails Carriages
Details see chapter 2
- Technical data and options BZ Rails Size 25
BZ Rails W 25 Drawings
BZ S 25 Dimensions
Available op tions for BZ S 25
BZ S 25 Dimensions and capacities
Available options for BM W 25
- Technical data and options BZ Size 35
BZ S 35 Drawings
Available op tions for BZ S 35
BZ W 35 Dimensions and capacities
Available options for BZ W 35
- Accessories BZ Rails acessory details
- BM Carriages accessories overview
- Accessories BZ Rails accessory details
- Dimension table pinions
- Accessories BZ Rails accessory details
- Order key
Individual guide rails and carriages are ordered in accordance with the order codes described below.
All MONORAIL BM carriages can be used with BZ rails.
Q.v. chapter 2.1, chapter 4.3 and 6.3 for the order key for accessories.
Separate order codes are used in each case for rails, carriages and accessories. This also applies to different versions of rails and carriages.
All guide components are supplied individually as standard, i.e. unassembled.
If required, SCHNEEBERGER can also supply rails and carriages assembled incl. accessories as complete systems. Please note the ordering instructions in chapter 2.4 if this applies.
- Order code for BZ Rails